How we do Nose Surgery in Egypt
The nose is the most observable and dominant feature of the face and it plays a major role in a person’s feeling about his or her appearance. Actors and actresses are commonly encouraged to perform rhinoplasty surgeries due to the leading effect of the nose on the person’s profile. One classification of nose shapes is by racial characteristics. The three types of noses in that classification are Caucasian (European), Mongolian (Asian), and African. The difference in these shapes is a result of human adaptation; in other words, the Caucasian nose is characterized by the small nose with narrow openings to inhale an amount of air that is small enough to become heated before entering the lungs, as opposed to the African nose that is characterized by stoutness in length, wide openings and large width for similar adaptation purposes . The Egyptian nose, according to a study (1986) of mine based on actual measurements and X-rays on a large sample of patients, averagely falls in between the African and Caucasian nose shapes.
With the European (and American) culture and media overwhelming the whole world, European features such as the nose shape have defined the standards of beauty, which should not be defined as a single set of features.
Nose shapes also vary by gender. Check page 2 in the appendix to guess which nose belongs to a male and which belongs to a female…
This is of course pretty obvious, Nose A belongs to a male, and B belongs to a female, which you can see has a finer, shorter, and more concave shape. These are the qualities that we aim to achieve with female rhinoplasty cases.
People seeking a rhinoplasty usually complain from having pointy bone structure, crookedness, and large edge. These problems, along with hereditary defects can be fixed with a high rate of success. Ultimately, rhinoplasty operations are better performed post puberty, as bone growth would not affected by operation, but in some cases such as young kids suffering from defective noses can get their operation with further nose growth in mind.
How To Prepare For Your Rhinoplasty:
- Perform full check-up before surgery to discover any of the following:
- o Diabetes and Blood Pressure
- o Any problems with heart, lungs, Kidneys, Liver
- o Any Allergies or Immune system diseases.
- Patient must inform doctor of any psychological conditions before surgery. Your shrink maybe advised before surgery date is set.
- Patients should refrain from smoking for at least 4 weeks before surgery as to not interfere negatively with anesthesia.
- To prevent blood fluidity, patients must lay off aspirin before the time of the surgery, and for the same reason, female patients should not have their operation during their menstrual cycle
- Make sure you see eye to eye with your surgeon before operating. Surgeons would normally have records of previous nose jobs similar or almost similar to your own case; that should give you an idea of what you should expect from the procedure. There is also software that has the ability to forecast the result, but is not as accurate as one may hope so.
Where To Have Rhinoplasty Done:
Usually, these operations are performed under complete anesthesia in hospitals and, in some other cases under location anesthesia and a general tranquilizer. Also, some clinics are equipped with an operating room and license to perform minor to moderate operations. Make sure to check license before operation.
How Rhinoplasty usually Done in Egypt:
The nose consists of a semi-dense skeleton of bone and cartridge covered with a layer of skin and soft tissue contributing to a tent-like shape. Bone and cartilage constitute to about 90% of the shape of the nose. Rhinoplasty is based on rearranging the bones and cartilage below the skin- analogous to how a tent changes shape, when its pillars are rearranged. This is done through minute holes inside the nose using specific tools to restructure the shape by sculpting, moving, and excision of oversized parts and then rearranging the skin over the structure to give the new shape. Also, the surgeon could resort to straightening the nasal wall to fix a crooked nose. The surgeon could also need a part from the nose cartilage to plant in another part of the nose to fix it. Also, minor parts could be excised from two small (not visible) holes. Nose is stuffed and covered with plastic cast to keep the new shape.
Post Rhinoplasty:
- o No pain is felt by the patient after the surgery, just a little difficulty due to having to breathe only through the mouth, but the patient gets used to it. This only takes 48 hours until the filling is removed.
- o Lower lid swelling will occur for the first 48 hours and keeps decreasing till it ends after the first week. Cold foments are recommended for the first 48 hours and then hot foments after that period.
- o Some bruises are visible under the eyelids in some cases that disappear or improve in two weeks with the aid of creams, however the author has invented and used some tricks to make that minimal in the last 10 years and it worked.
- o Post-surgery bleeding may arise that will cause the wetting of the bandage around the nose openings that will stop in few hours.
- o Patients are allowed to leave on the operation day’s night or the following day. Filling is to be removed in 48 hours and the plastic cast, normally, in a week’s time. Patients should avoid any impact on the nose and are advised to use droplets that will pave the way for inhaling through the nose again.
- o Patients should also know that what they see once the cast is removed is barely 60% of the potential improvement, which is due to the swelling. Improvement comes gradually with the help of massaging and fomenting the area until the final result is seen in a couple of months.
Possible Complications of Rhinoplasty:
- o Any surgery comes with the basic possible complication of using anesthesia, but this should be minimized and even eliminated, which is what reputable hospitals, staff, and devices try to do.
- o Also, bleeding after the operation or removing the filling is a possible surgical complication, which is easily contained by the surgeon.
- o Bacterial infection (Very rare)
- o In patients’ dissatisfaction with the result in mind, it is always better to wait for 6 months before making any judgments on whether a corrective surgery is needed or not.